Apple want to bring iPad assembly to India!

Apple want to bring iPad assembly to India!

Apple is trying to bring their iPad assembly plant in India due to various reasons apple intentionally decreasing dependence with china and looking forward to establish in India due to India’s make in india & make In India programmes and it’s polices apple very much interested to invest in India as china and India labour costs are similar but compared to china, India labor costs are little high, however many companies already invested and build many assembly plants and manufacturing plants in India.

Now, apple joining in line to bring their iPad assembly to India, ” according to not named source ” Government Is asking apple to get iPads assembles in india by their contract manufacturers here, with non Chinese companies “

The Government’s new budget scheme reported 70 billion or $964.5 million will going spend to promote manufacture for the next 5 years, this money will given as cashback to these manufacturers, but apple and other companies wanted the government to increase its pool to 200 million before the performance-linked- incentive locked.

The main prospect of apple bringing it’s iPad assembly to india, is made in India tagline to iPad products which will get more sells to apple as people of india interested and choose made in India products over other products. previously wistron a contract assembly company was closed due to violence brokeout due to payment related labor issues.

Apple only have three contract manufacturers apart from wistron, apple have pegatron and Foxconn, while Foxconn is based in China Which used to assemble iPads and MacBooks for the company along with Compal electronics and China’s BYD electronic international.

In this scenario, we may see Apple may bring iPad production soon in India it can be next year if everything well to see a made in India iPad, but have to wait and see.

Finally, Apple’s iPad production in India which will spike employment including that we can see made in India iPad very soon that will make apple fan boys and iPad likers, in India happy, what is your expectations regarding this say us in our comment section below, see ya 🙂

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